Friday, June 26, 2009

hiatus over. drama begins.


I am back. I can't guarantee for how long but long enough to write another uninsightful blog. I feel so new at this. After being away for so long, I dont really remember how to write. (and here i thought this was like a "bicycle riding" concept) This blog is going to be fairly vague because honestly, the details make me sick.

SIGH, Where do I start?

First off, I hate hate hate the direction my life has gone in. It is really depressing to have to go on Facebook and see all your highschool friends and even enemies graduating while you have yet to start. I know I have no one to blame but myself but could it be possible to still feel bad about it? I had this whole future mapped out for myself and right now, I am so far behind in life that I dont think I'll ever die. I know I'll get there eventually, but I just feel really crappy in the meantime.

and then theres ..

F A M I L Y !

I never thought I would see the day where I bgan to feel disconnected from them. They are the biggest part of my heart and being so, they left a pretty huge hole in it. Im not saying I dont love them or that they aren't around anymore. I am merely pointing out that, people grow up and sometimes grow apart. It isn't cool to get everything you ever wanted especially when the cost is high. Bottomline, I love my family with every fibre of my being but I know that loving me back isn't as easy.


I dont have much to say about boys. I mean, you could google "heartbroken" and "boys" and have enough stories to get the gist of it all. I will only say this...
he called.
i said yes.
he uses me out of convenience.
parts of me never stopped loving him.

As the cyber world birthed it and the net addicts overused it -- FML !

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