Thursday, January 29, 2009


OH GOSH, another one?
.. yessir!

 I think I've had a total of like 6 blog sites in the last 8 years.  Thats ri-DONK-ulous! I havent one yet tha really clicks. The only one that I stayed faithful to was my Xanga, but I retired that one due to painful memories. So, let's hope Blogger proves to be better than blogspot, livejournal, Twitter, and other similar sites that I've tested. So far, I like it =)

  It is definitely going to take me awhile to get back into the swing of things but slowly my passion will take hold and my creative literary skills will come to life. I have no clue what I'm babbling about. 

 Okay, so much for an interesting intro blog. MEH ! This will have to do. I'll do a proper blog later when Dizzy gets off my ass about boiling potatos. (Who's Dizzy? We'll get to all that soon enough)


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